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We needed to expand out book of shadows over to this page too so don't forget the other one.
This page will consist mostly of spells and rituals and the other will be more general magicks that you can do. Like stated on the other page please do not use this information if you don't know what you are doing.

There a few steps in creating a sacred they are and how to do them...

First you should cast a circle (example on other bos page)

(This is one of the basic individual meditations that should be practiced regularly. During periods of high anxiety or depressions or when undertaking heavy responsibility, it helps to practice daily.)

Fill your chalice with water. With your athame, add three tip fulls of salt , and stir counterclockwise. Sit with the cup in your lap. let your fears, worries, doubts, hatreds, ect. surface in your mind. See them as a muddy stream, which flows out of you as you breathe and is dissolveded by the salt water in the cup. Allow yourseld time to feel deeply cleansed.
Now hold up the cup. Breathe deeply and feel yourself drawing up power from the earth. Le the power flow into the salt water, until you can visualize it glowing with light.
Sip the water. As you feel it on your tongue know that you have taken in the power of cleansing, of healing. Fear and unhappiness have become trasformed in the power of change.
Empty the leftover water into a running stream. (Alas normally the closest stream is the one in your kitchen sink that runs down the drain.) (Starhawk)

(the rest soon)
Auras and Chakras

An aura is the three-dimensional energy field that surrounds the bodies of all beings and things. The healthier you are, the further the aura will extend out from your body.

How to read the Aura
Find a place where there isn't any harsh light. Focus on one part of your body, preferably your hand. Relax, concentrate on your hand lines. If you’re relaxed enough, you’ll see a certain color. With time you might be able to see several colors.

Auras can be seen physically, or sensed psychically. One way to see someone's aura is to have the subject stand in front of a white background.

If you look at the person for a while you’ll see some sort of wavy lines of energies, and also maybe a couple of aura colors. There is also another exercise. As far as I know, the author of the following exercise is unknown, but I’d appreciate it if you emailed me their name so I could give them credit.

“Stand in front of a mirror at a distance of about half a meter, with a wall of neutral color some distance behind you. Alternatively, get a friend to stand about 1 meter away from you and 2 meters from a neutral wall. Relax, and breathe deeply and evenly. Focus your eyes on the wall behind the head. Gently sway your body from side to side (or tell your friend to if looking at someone else). As you stare past the outline of the head, you should be able to see an envelope of light - it's an aura! The room and subject should be illuminated by subdued lighting, but not in darkness or direct sunlight. Do not worry if you cannot see color at this stage, in time you may.”

Common Aura Colors
The following is a list of aura colors that are associated with the person’s conscious and subconscious state. The color spectrum varies with a person’s physical, mental, emotional and spiritual states.
Red: The color of strength, passion, impulsiveness and will.
Orange: Color of affection, kindness, and creativity. The muddier shades denote vanity, while golden orange represents self-control. Someone with orange in his/her aura may suffer from kidney troubles.
Yellow: Mental activity, optimism, perfectionism, responsibility, sometimes shyness.
Green: The color of sympathy and reliability. The person may be an effective healer. Dark shades of green however indicate one who is jealous or hesitant.
Blue: The color of calm, and spiritual and material attainment. May sometimes represent a tendency to moodiness and depression.
Indigo/Violet: The colors of the seeker who has inborn psychic and intuitive abilities. They represent an astounding ability in the handling of practical matters. Dark shades may show that the person is often misjudged and misunderstood. May indicate heart or stomach trouble.
Black: The color of self-protection. The person is good at ‘wearing masks’.
Pink: A compassionate person who is fond of the arts. Darker shades of pink may point to immaturity and irresponsibility.
White: Purity and honesty. A color associated with spiritually evolved persons.
Silver: The person might be pregnant or is going to be soon! However, this is not always so. Seeing this may indicate a person who is allowing great creativity in their life.

Sometimes you experience the interplay of an outside energy field upon your aura. You can tell this is happening to you in the following circumstances:
When you are around some people and you feel ‘drained’ and weak.

When you feel there is someone staring at you intensely.

When you have an instant liking or disliking for someone you’ve just met.

When you sense someone’s presence before you saw this person.

Chakras are points of great energy for one's aura. The word itself is Sanskrit for wheel or disk. According to East Indian philosophy, man possesses seven major Chakras or psychic centers on his body. Through our Chakras, we transmit and receive physical, emotional, and spiritual energy.

These are the seven main chakras, the colors assciated with each one of them, and their energy focus:
1st Chakra
Base, Root Located at the base of the spine. Red, black Stability, grounding, physical energy, will, security.
2nd Chakra
Sacral Located below the navel Orange, blue-green Creativity, healing, sexuality and reproduction, desire, emotion, intuition.
3rd Chakra
Solar Plexus Located at solar plexas, below breastbone Yellow Intellect, ambition, personal power.
4th Chakra
Heart Located in the center of the chest Pink, green Love, compassion, universal consciousness, emotional balance.
5th Chakra
Throat Located at the neck above collar bone Blue Communication center, expression, divine guidance.
6th chakra
Third eye Location centered above eyebrows, at medullaIndigo Spiritual awareness, psychic power, intuition, light.
7th Chakra
Crown Located at the top of the head Violet, golden-white Enlightenment, cosmic consciousness, energy, perfection.

Single Chakra Therapy
When you want to work on a specific Chakra, place a gemstone or strand of gemstones on it and keep them there from 3-20 minutes. You may use clear optical quality quartz for all of your chakras; however, here are the stones that others recommend on each chakra.
Root/Base Chakra: Black Onyx/Obsidian
Sex/Navel Chakra: Carnelian
Stomach/Solar Plexus Chakra: Citrine
Heart Chakra: Rose Quartz/Ruby
Throat Chakra: Indigo (translucent Sodalight)/Purple Rainbow Fluorite
Brow/Third Eye Chakra: Amethyst/Aquamarine/Lapis Lazuli/Clear Quartz
Crown Chakra: Amethyst/Clear Quartz

If a stone ever feels uncomfortable, remove it immediately and replace it with a stone that fits you better.
Faerie Magick
Faerie Magick

In order to work with the Fae Folk, you must be in touch with the Astral, or the Inner Plane. It is here where they reside and where you can meet up with any number of them. The best way is to use meditation techniques. You may also wish to use incense and herbs favored by the Faeries to help you meet them. (Wearing a sprig of Thyme or a dab of Thyme oil is said to enable you to see the Fae!)
It is perhaps best to set up a residence right on the edge of the plane, a place special and safe to you and one in which you can frolic and communicate. You can establish this in your visualization and meditations. You will find an enchanting world, a seductive and truly beautiful world in which to help you attain your fondest desires!

In returning to your waking consciousness, you must return slowly, taking your time. Stamp your feet on the ground to tell yourself you are home. It will get easier and easier to do with time and practice. Once you can do this, you will forever keep the Little Folk in your heart and in your mind.

Also, the best place to meet them in your travels is, of course, outside in a natural setting! Faeries dwell in trees, most notably the Oak, Elder, Birch, Willow, Ash, Rowan, Hazel and Thorn. The Hawthorn bush is another, as well as Cypress, Olive, Date Palms, Bonsai, and Palmetto Trees.

Faeries are said to cradle their babes in the petals of the Tulip. Primrose and Cowslip too are some of the Good Folks' favorite herbs. There is also Foxglove (poison!), Heather, Mistletoe, Elecampe, Roses, Elderberry, Peony, Lilac, Clover and Apple to help entice the little ones.

Faerie Rings (dark circles of grass with a lighter color grass around it, or a circular ring of mushrooms) are said to be where Faeries can be found. If however, you are in your meditative state, please do not step in or on that spot, you would be intruding upon them. Natural state however, is fine but I would not try to disturb it otherwise.

When you do seek them out, be sure to leave behind a bowl of fresh milk, sweet breads and cakes, strawberries or the current seasonal fruit, pats of real butter and even wine and ale. This ensures the good will of the Wee Ones and they are more likely to help you out next time.

The types of Magick that Faeries can help you with is first (and perhaps the most important) the aid they can give in raising your energies for whatever intention you have. In your meditative state, call to them, explain what you are doing and why and ask them for their help. Drumming, dancing or perhaps some folk music of their native culture will help entice their help in the raising of positive energies for your specific goal. Candle Magick is also a good tool to use with the Wee Ones.

Another type of magick that they can and often do help with are Healing desires. To help you decide which herb or other tool to use, go outside or where you obtain your herbs and such and ask them to guide you to the correct one. Or open a book and ask that they help direct you to the correct page.

Call to the Faeries that you know are thinking Faeries, that is, they have some intelligence as not all of them do, or the ones you know are good for the nurturing and caring of men, women or children.

Do not call the ones who are a little more prankish or have been known to harm children.

After you have been given the lead, read up on the herb or plant or other resource you have been led to and find out all you can about it, not only medicinally but magickally also. You may be pleasantly surprised that you have indeed been led the correct way.

Household protection is another important request the Fae are willing and capable of fulfilling. This could include your children and pets, and lend some protective energies during a short-term crisis. If something is lost, a favored trinket or even the family pet, call upon the Faeries you have asked to protect and they will help you find them or have them returned.

Now mind you, some faeries have their own "conditions" set to their specific help and this you must respect. If you are not exactly a neat person, or you do not have a fireplace, certain Faeries won't come near you. It is important to know which ones to call. Burning Patchouli, Sandalwood, Jasmine, Cedar and Vervain too will help to increase the protection they can give. You will feel strong energies of protection around you and your home and the inhabitants, pets included if asked, as well as warned of danger. Help them to help you by giving them the means to let you know of impending accidents, weather or even thieves.

For your prosperity wishes, faeries for the home are usually best. Be sure that your intent is not of a greedy nature as the Good Folk are extremely angered by this. Anything at all in the slightest way to be deemed greedy, will result in no help at all from the Fae. Be explicit in your asking and and tell them why you need this and about how much. When they know it will benefit the home in only a positive manner, it will in turn benefit them too. Be sure to thank them in kind with their favorites!

In any type of inner awareness and knowledge, the water spirits are best. Find a clear pool of water or in your meditative state in your astral residence place a clear calm pool of water and kneel beside it. Ask the Water Spirit of your choice for permission to see. The images you may receive, if they comply, will probably be in symbolic form. It is up to you to completely "know" what each one will mean to you.

Much like dreams, the images are symbolic of what is going on and correct interpretation can only come from within you. They may come immediately or even in your dreams, or suddenly while driving you will come upon something that snaps all the pieces into the puzzle. Be patient, you will receive your answer.

Choosing the correct Faerie for your intention is of utmost importance and spending time learning about and from them will be the only way in which you can call upon the right Little Folk to help out. Calling on the wrong one can wreak absolute havoc in your life as well as make it harder for you the next time you ask. Oh, they are a precocious bunch and will keep you on your toes if you are not taking the Faerie Realm seriously when working with them!

Read everything you can get your hands on, talk to anyone you can and practice, practice, practice. True Faerie Magick is perhaps the most fantastickal, the most wondrous journey of magick you can take!
The Astral Plane
Astral Plane

The astral plane is the working ground of the magickian where the truth about all things is revealed. It is the place of angels, demons, dragons and fairies, host to the elemental forces of nature. To the witch and magickian alike, the astral plane holds the secret of power, the key to the creation of miraculous effects on the physical plane.

The astral plane has often been defined as the realm of visual imagination, a celestial realm where all things are possible. As a result of its ethereal atmosphere, the astral plane remains a great mystery to most. For the fearless explorer, however, the astral plane is nothing more than an uncharted realm waiting to be discovered.

The astral plane is just as real to the astral body as the material plan is to the physical body. To the traveler on the astral plane, the scenery and everything connected with it seems as solid as the most solid material appears to the physical eye. One may travel from one region of the astral to another simply by an act of will without ever moving the physical body.

When consciousness operates outside the body it takes the mind with it. However, rarely is the mind fully conscious. This is why,
although over 90 percent of us project, seldom do we remember our experiences. Usually they are forgotten or passed off as vivid dreams.
How To Remember Your Dreams
How To Remember Your Dreams

The most powerful time for us to touch the bridge between the conscious and unconscious mind is in the "twilight zone? between sleep and wakefulness. During this temporary period many of the filters which our outer mind imposes have been removed. The lines of communication are more open. Material can flow more freely between conscious and unconscious. This is a good time to tell yourself that you want to remember your dreams. Try this simple technique for stimulating your memory.

1. Lie comfortably on your back as you quietly prepare for sleep.

2. Be sure that you will not be interrupted or disturbed—not a bad idea for simply going to sleep!

3. Place your hand over the center of your chest, resting lightly and comfortably. Feel the warmth of your hand and your chest.

4. Say to yourself "Tonight I am going to remember my dreams. Tonight I will remember my dreams. I want to remember my dreams,"

5, Continue to repeat this to yourself for a few minutes, You may or may not say this out loud, Be aware of your hand resting lightly on your chest. The hand signals you that you are ready to remember your dreams.
After you have done this for a few minutes, simply relax and drift off to sleep. Make sure that you have first prepared to record your dreams (have a pen and paper or tape recorder close to your bed) and that you are aware of this. Remembering and recording your dreams will become easier with practice.


Thanks to the MSN group "Are you a Witch two" I credit them for most of the newer information on the site