Endless Forest
Merry Meet




Online Coven

B.O.S. (1)

Members and Contacts

Pagan/ Wiccan Links



Guest Book Page

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Merry Meet

Welcome to the website of our coven Endless Forest. On this site we will be sharing all about Endlesss Forest. Such things as our tradition, deities, members, Information on Gnomes and Faeries and lots of other stuff. So stay as long as you please, and drop a little message in our guestbook. We love being contacted by fellow practicers or anybody who is interested in Paganism itself, we are willing to teach and be teached. Thanks and Blessed Be.
So take a look through the site ladies and gentlemen, all this remodeling in two days. I hope that you enjoy the new information, please e-mail me with your comments.


Due to the fact that I'm computer retarded some of the pages are labeled not what they are. Hopefully I'll beable to work that out soon here.
I just want to say thank you to the entire group at are you a witch two. They are an MSN group, and thanks to them I got most of this new information for the site. I needed a re-vamp and they helped me out with info. Not everything new is from them but a large part is. Thanks again.


Comments on Books

I was reading through the Guestbook and wanted to mention our feelings about Silver Ravenwolf and Scott Cunningham.

I personally believe that books like "To Ride a Silver Broomstick" and "Wicca: A Guide For the Solitary Practitioner." (sp?) Anyway, I think that they are cute fluffy books meant only to be of the smallest introduction into the religion. Silver is a cute, happy-fluff author who makes things interesting with mention of her children, but there are authors out there that are better for sure. Scott is not so much fluffy but again with and introductory author although not even close to as much as Silver. As we discussed at a meeting of the Pagan Alliance was that her books were made to read and through away.

My opinion on the book Teen Witch is that it was not set up well for teenagers. The book half explains nothing important really and then the other half of the book is spells that teenagers can get in and play with, not even reading the first half.

Anyway that was my rambling for the week

P.S. Scott's book on herbs and the elements are good references.

Hey look at all the new graphics on the site aren't they pretty? Yes we think so to and would like to thank the great artist Amy Brown for creating many of them (you will know which ones because of the "Amy Brown" written on the bottom of each) But yeah just thought we should say something.

College Fun?

So are you new to college, and sitting alone in your dorm room pondering how you are going to meet new people and if anyone here is like you. Suggestion, check out your campus clubs and maybe they have a Pagan group on campus. The groups are awesome, they provide support and learning to all the members, plus it's a great way to make friends.


I wanted to say that if any of the information on this site is yours PLEASE leave me a message and I will immediately give you credit.