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Welcome to our online Book Of Shadows...If you don't know what that is then please don't use any of these spells, rituals, and the like at home. We aren't here to give out these things to novice witches who don't know how to use them. To the rest of you out there come in and look around.

My main goal on this page was to eventually transfer my entire Book of Shadows on the this site. It was my most treasured possesion. It was about 700 pages long and had been my project for three years, almost four. Well it was found be parents that didn't want that in their house. It was thrown away...I'm trying to rebuild a new one, so in time I'll begin putting more information on here but I'm still trying to recover all of that information.

Casting a Circle
Walk arond the circle 3 times while saying...

"I conjure thee, O great circle of power. So that you will be for me a boundary between the world of men and the realms of the mighty spirits. A meeting place of perfect love, trust, peace, and joy. Containing the power I will raise within thee. I call upon the angels of the east, south. north and west, to aid me in this concecration. In the name of the Lord and Lady thus i do conjure thee of great circle of power"

Then pound on the ground and say...
"As above, so below. This circle is sealed."
Car Charm

Cleanse the following ingredients in whatever manner you wish—myrrh, rose petals, powdered ginger, lavender, bay, a rose quartz, hematite, an aquamarine, and a blue-cloth drawstring bag. Holding them in your cupped hands, charge them with the sole purpose of keeping your little ones safe while they are in the car. Place everything in the drawstring bag, and pull it tightly closed. Tuck the charm either under the car seat or into some small nook.


Blessing My New Home


Touch the lintel and touch the wall,
Nothing but blessings here befall!
Bless the candle that stands by itself,
Bless the book on the mantle shelf,
Bless the pillow for the tired head,
Bless the hearth and the light shed.
Friends who tarry here, let them know
A three fold blessing before they go.
Sleep for weariness - peace for sorrow
Faith in yesterday and tomorrow.
Friends who go from here, let them bear
The blessing of hope, wherever they fare.
Lintel and windows, sill and wall,
Nothing but good, this place befall.

Take 6 colored pieces of Yarn, 2 for body (green), 2 for emotions (red), 2 for spirit (white) divide into 2 groups of 3. Take the first group of 3. Tie a knot at one end focusing on "this is me now with all my hurts doubts", then start braiding. Pouring your jealous feelings in, your doubts, your insecurities, your living in the past, your anger, resentment, lack of trust, all of this, anything that is holding you back from being what you can become. You're not losing your memories but sending the things that hold you back.

Put in a knot occasionally in between the different aspects of your life that you feel would hold you back binding that energy into the yarn.

When this is done, knot it one last time and state I bind all my doubts fears and insecurities with this/these knot(s).

Make a second braided string with the second group of 3 and bind in it all your hopes and dreams for the future for yourself. MAKE sure to keep it separate from the other braid. As you finish it say, this is my dreams for the future, they are my wish and my will. So mote it be.

Burn the knots with the things that hold you back and say. this is what we were and are no more so it is willed so mote it be.

I call upon Brighid (breeyid) to heal the issues that are bothering me to help change the things that are holding me back

I call upon Tigernonos (teeger-nonos) to guide me at this time though the path ahead is rocky I call upon him to help me with the change that must be if we are to grow together. Please grant us wisdom and guidance.

I call upon Ceridwen (Kerid'wen) Guide me through these changes and bless the journey in knowledge me are about to embark on.

I call upon Arawn (arown)to guide me in our journey that is to be and to grant me the wisdom in the
journey Protect us and grant us wisdom.

Finally I call upon Arianrhod (Arriann'hrod) to bring forth my destiny which I believe I see but which is yet to truly be known (can substitute the deities
of your choice).

With help tie the braid with your wishes around your wrist while saying, here are my hopes and dreams may they come true in the best possible way So mote it be.

To take off cut between two knots in a place where the string will not unbraided very much and keep in a safe place. DO NOT UNTIE.

Against Nameless Night Terrors Spell
Everyone wakes suddenly from nameless night terrors. Try to relax and use frankincense oil in a burner. Some of its properties will act a muscle relaxant and encourage deep, regular breathing. Before going back to bed visualise the walls acting as a protective wall + chant softly to yourself:

Terrors haunting now take flight

Be all fears far from my sight,

Goddess watch over me this night

Comfort me till it be light.


The human body can heal and maintain healthy balance using its intrinsic gifts and gifts provided by the universe. For this to happen, there needs to be balance between natural health and technical health practices. Here are some tips for activating the natural healing potential of the body:

During meditation, focus on any body areas where a need is perceived. Connect with your higher self, and state these or similar words:

Spirit guides make me an open channel to receive the healing ray of the universe.

Visualize a healing ray of energy flowing through your crown and down through your body. Thank the universe for sending this healing ray, and afterward return to the universe any excess energy you do not need.

Speech Spell

Just before you have to give a speech or presentation, rub your hands together until they tingle. Then place them over your solar plexus. Feel the energy enter your third chakra, giving you more presence and energy than you generally project. Breathe the energy in for several slow, deep breaths. If you end up feeling butterflies in your stomach, acknowledge them as a manifestation of how excited and eager you are about sharing this information. They do not mean that you are anxious.


Here are two protective affirmations, which surround you
with powerful protective influences while traveling.

Say these words, three times, before leaving on a road trip:

Susabo, Come, and Follow,
and Stay With Me On My Journey.

The angel's name is pronounced: Soo Sah Boo. Susabo is the
angel governing land traveling.

A Spell To Help You Like Yourself

You need a pale pink candle and a small piece of rose quartz for this. The spell can be done at any time in the moon’s cycle.

Hold the candle in your hands and imagine that you are enfolded in a feeling of love and well being. This may be difficult if you are feeling low, and if this is the case try just imagining surrounding yourself with soft, warm pink light.

Put the candle in a holder in a safe place away from draughts, hanging draperies or clothing, children or animals. Place the piece of rose quartz against the base of the candle, then light then candle and let it burn right down. When the candle is completely burned down, scrape any wax off the rose quartz and keep it with you day and night for a while. You might like to buy or make a small bag, such as a medicine pouch, to carry it in.

From The Children of Artemis (UK)

Home/Family Protection Spell

To be chanted at each entrance to your home

By the Power of Three,
Hearth, family home protected be.
By day and by night,
By darkness and by light,
So mote it be!

Spell To Cheer You Up

For this simple spell you will need an orange candle and a small circle of paper slightly smaller in diameter than the base of the candle. Draw a smiling face on the piece of paper.

Take the candle in your hands and strongly "see" yourself happy, smiling, cheerful and confident. Then put the smiley face in a candle holder and push the candle into the holder on top of the paper. Place the candle in a fireproof container (a cast iron cauldron would be ideal if you have one, or otherwise a bowl of damp earth or sand), put the container in a safe place away from curtains, draughts, animals and children etc. Light the candle, thinking of yourself as happy and cheerful as you do so, then leave it to burn out.

This spell will give you a charge of positive energy which will lift your spirits and help you through a period of depression, flatness or tiredness.

Protection and Exorcism

Materials required

Draw a fine line of salt in the form of a circle.
Stand in the centre and visualise it as a protecting boundary.
Ask the Goddess for her protective help.
Chant the rhyme.

I now declare this Hollowed Ground!
Only good spirits here abound.
Evil forces quit this place
No longer show your ugly face!
This room is filled with light of love
Goddess forces from above.
Dark shadows, evil spells of doom
Are now banished from this sacred room.
My Good Luck starts and Bad Luck ends
My life is blessed with Love and Friends
Abundance comes to enrich my life
and I am freed from hate and strife!

Thank the Goddess for her protection.

Sprinkle a small amount of salt in each room of the house.

From The Children of Artemis (UK)

Dill Protection Spell

Dill is a very versatile herb that can be used for protection, to dispel negative energy, or to attract money. The smell of dill is often enough to stimulate lust and other such feelings. Eating or bathing in dill can make you irresistible to those you desire. To promote this, while you visualize yourself as irresistible to the object of your desire, create bath salts by combining a half-cup of Epsom salts with a half-cup of dill weed and a half-cup of orange peel. Run your bath water; pour the bath salt and herb combination into a bowl, and pour approximately two cups of steaming water into the bowl. Place a towel over your head and carefully inhale the steam from the bowl for approximately ten minutes while you continue to visualize yourself being irresistible. Visualize your desired love object being overcome by your beauty and charms. Once the time is up, pour the contents into your bath water and soak while continuing to visualize. Put this energy into effect as soon as possible by seeking out the attentions of the target of your desire.

From the Llewellyn WebSite and Witches' Spell-A-Day Almanac

For ocean voyages, say these words, three times, before
leaving the shore:

Lehahiah, Come, and Follow,
and Stay With Me On My Journey.

The angel's name is pronounced Lay Hah He Yah. This is the
angel governing ocean voyages.

These names appear in Franz Bardon's book about magical

Passion Flower Relationship Spell

Consider a relationship that is in conflict. Today, brew yourself a tea of passion flower and vervain. Just before drinking, hold the cup in both hands and ask for spirit guidance. Hold it before your heart and say:

My heart is open to a path of healing and friendship.

Hold it up to your forehead and say:

Wise ones, help me to see how I can bring heal-ing to this relationship.

As you drink the tea, consider how you contribute to the conflict and how you might change your responses. When you expect to be with this person, be sure to carry a small amount of dried vervain in your pocket or purse.


Thanks for Visiting
*Blessed Be*