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Merry Meet, its me Nightingale and Gnomes are my favorite type of fae. There is so much to tell about them, so please forgive me if I leave anything out.

This is all information done by Nightingale. She is no longer in the group, by her own choice, I definatly want to leave her information up here because it's quite informative. But I'm taking her e-mail off here so that she doesn't recieve e-mail in an account she probably doesn't even have anymore. If you have any Gnome info that you would want added to the site you can e-mail them to Justice at

Male Gnomes

Male Gnomes live to be about 400 years of age. They reach a hight of about 15 cm (without cap) and a weight of about 300 grams. They wear a red peaked cap and have a full beard, which turns gray way before the rest of their hair does. They wear a blue smock and brown pants. Holding up their pants is a belt with a tool kit attached. Such things as their knife, hammer and drill hang from it. Their shoes are usually made of birch bark or fur. Their feet are pointed slightly inward so that they are able to run very fast. Their eyes are generally grey. Their mouth remains in a frown due to posing in harsh daylight. Their faces are fair but they have bright red apple cheeks. Males usually indulge in pipe smoking. At the age of 13 males are taught, by their fathers, the manly ways and the trade. At 75 they are introduced to the members of the Regional Council. At 200 marriage is considered and at the age of 275 they are said to be in their "prime." Males are able to produce untill about 350 years of age. When the sun begins to set the male gnome begins his nightly activities. He wakes, eats the breakfast his wife has prepared for him and then sets out. On his nightly journney he can go to the forge, pottery or sawmill, or to the herb garden and sow seeds, weed, hoe, prune or harvest. He may also pick berries or care to the firewood. He begins his journey home when the sun begins to rise, once there he eats his dinner(gnomes only consume two meals a day). When dinner is through he will read a chapter from the secret book to the whole family and go to bed.

Female Gnomes

As with male gnomes female gnomes live to be about 400 years of age and reach a height of 15 cm as well. They differ from males in weight, 250-275 grams opposed to males 300 grams. Before marriage they wear a green cap that shows their long braids. After marriage their braids are hidden away under a scarf and a darker cap. All bright clothes are dulled down after marriage. They mainly wear camoulfage colors, gray or khaki. Females wear a blouse, a long skirt and black or grey knee socks. Their feet are covered by slippers or high shoes. Females are known to have a substantial bosom, but due to their small size a brassiere is never needed. At the age of 350 a light beard begins to develop. Females only ovulate once in their life. Young girls are raised by both their mothers and other neighbor women. Women gnomes generally, cook clean, raise the children, prepare her husband for his nightly journeys, socialize, knit and other such things. For celebrations female gnomes decorate themselves in blossoms or berry-bearing twigs.

Cute Colorful Gnome
Gnome Children

Children are conceived the same ways humans are. The female gnomes pregnancy lasts 12 months. At the end of the year twins are born. any combination is possible, boy and boy, boy and girl, or girl and girl, but they are always born as twins. At a very young age the Gnome children recieve a cap, this cap is kept throughout their entire life. Gnome Children wet the bed untill age 12. At the age of 13 the father gnome teaches the children about herbs, runing, whistling etc. Gnome children live with their familes untill age 100. They love to play games such as swinging, blowpipes, marbles and other normal kid games. They love to dress up as witches, hedgehogs, elves, mom and dad, dragonflies and other fun things.

Types of Gnomes

Woodland/Forest Gnome- The most commnon type of gnome, but hard to verify due to the fact that they keep themselves the most hidden from man. There physical appearence is that of the ordianry gnome. They spend their time helping woodland creatures. They are wonderful woodcarvers and painters. Upon leaving their families they are given a crown that is decorated with pine boughs, flowers and gems. They love celtic flue melodies. Males carry a hand-carved flute. Females carry a harp-like instrument and also have beautiful voices.

Dune Gnome- Slightly larger then the woodland/forest gnome. Avoids human contact at all costs. There clothing is duller then that of the ordinary gnome and the female doesnt wear grays, only khaki colors.

Gardem Gnome- Spends time in old gardens. They are rather dull natured and enjoy telling melancholy tales. If they feel too closed in, they will change locations, most likely move to the the woods.

Farm Gnome- Similar to house gnome, but more in tune with nature and its matters.

House Gnome- Resembles ordinary gnome but has lots of knowledge on humans. Inhabits old historical houses. They speak and understands human language. Gnome kings are chosen from his family. They are good natured, always ready for a joke, and never malevolent. Very few gnomes are but every once in a while bad genes, from crossbreeding, will get mixed creating a mean gnome.

Siberian Gnome- Greatly effected by crossbreeding. They associate themselves freely with trolls. Living in Europe the siberian gnome takes revenge easily. The slightest offense will cause him to kill cattle which leads to other problems for farmers, or whomever the revenge was aimed upon. Siberian Gnomes give all gnomes a bad name, stay away from them!

Gnome Couple
Gnome Life

Gnomes are extremely intelligent. They care very much for the woodland creatures, and make it there duty to keep them from harms way. It is said that forest gnomes tiptoe around the forest helping animals escape from man made dangers, such as traps. They are nocturnal. Gnomes are 7 times stronger then humans, capable of smelling 19 times better then a man, able to forcast the weather, have ESP, have sense of direction like that of a homing pigeon and have fingertips as sensitive as those of a blind person. Heart attacks and baldness are unknown. Gnomes visit their birthday tree yearly and often live near or under it. Their greetings farewells and goodnights are shown by rubbing noses. They love to dance and celebrate. They love to joke around and have fun. Quarrels do not occur often between gnomes and if they do they are usually short lived. Gnomes are lovers of gems and jewlery. Enemies of Gnomes include trolls or anything else that is out to destroy their homes. Otherwise gnomes are very freindly creatures. Gnomes are vegetarians. Their breakfast includes; eggs, mushrooms, butter (derived from sunflowers/turnip oil), porridge (from grass seeds), bread (from acorn meal), ant eggs, jam (blackberry, blueberry, raspberry, and foxberry), spice cake (sugar from honey/sugar beets) and tea(mint, rose-hip, linden-blossom, or jasmine). Their dinners include; peas, beans, mushrooms, nuts (hazel, wal, beech, etc.), potatos, applesauce, tubers, spices and all kinds of vegatables and fruits. Some drinks that gnomes consume include; mead dew (fermented honey), fermented raspberries and spiced gin.

Gnome going on a joy ride

Thanks for Visiting
*Blessed Be*