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Coven Details

The name Endless Forest was chosen because we work a lot with the faeries and the faeries inhabit the forests. We formed on febuary 2nd of 2001, were still very new. This is a so far non-practicing coven because there is only one of the founding members left, and that is me Justice. I've recently discovered that many people don't have the dedication or don't connect with the religion enough to stay with it. Oh well I suppose. We are a more internet coven to help connect people on the web with similar beliefs. You can Join us on our MSN Group called Endless Forest, which after an almost death-like state is getting worked on an hopefully revived. Hope to see you there! Blessed Be

~Lady Justice~

My magick name was Willow and was recently changed to Justice . I have been a practicing witch for four years now. I recently also decided on a tradition to follow, and that's Celtic Paganism. My patron Goddess is Morgan Lefay. She is the Goddess of the sea, general magick, the Isle of Avalon, Faeries, and many other things. I love faeries and think that they are amazing creatures that demand respect. I'm an eighteen year old freshman at SCSU. My favorite book is The Mists Of Avalon and i recomend it to anyone and everyone. My newest achievment is my baby.  Baby is due November 26th, 2004 and will probably be giving updates on him/her.

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*Blessed Be*